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Vincent Irizarry Booking

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Vincent Irizarry 

Perhaps best known as Dr. David Hayward on ABC's All My Children.  Vincent Irizarry is a well rounded entertainer and phtographer.  He is available for: Personal Appearances, Meet and Greets, and as the host of your event.  

Vincent Irizarry Bio

Vincent Irizarry Booking Form

Vincent Irizarry - IMDB


Vincent Irizarry Discusses the Return of "All My Children"



The View April 25, 2013 - Vincent Irizarry, Thorsten Kaye, and Erika Slezak -  AMC and OLTL reboots


Vincent Irizarry interview on Profiles. Air date 12/21/12:

google.com, pub-0240078091788753, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0