“This is as far away as I’ve been from home and felt this much at home,” she said.“The people of Australia are just one notch a little smarter and nicer and super friendly.”The pair have remained friends since they started on the show at ages eight and nine, with Olsen even laying claim to being the person who posted pictures of Lookinland on a website about famous people with missing body parts after a woodworking accident 15 years ago. But it’s a friendship that was once something of a childhood romance, with the duo admitting they secretly shared kisses on set.“Both of our parents thought it was adorable,” Olsen said. “I really did have a true crush on him when we were 12.“All the girls started to go nuts over Mike and I was like ‘He’s it, he’s it’.”According to Olsen, the attention hasn’t abated since, with Lookinland still catching the eye of high-profile celebrities.“He gets around any hot actress and takes a picture, of course they all love him, and sends his wife a picture,” she said.Lookinland admitted: “I did that with Carmen Electra, I texted my wife a picture and said ‘Guess who’?”