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Reality Television News > School Disputes Survivor China Contestant Denise Martin's Lost Job

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17 Dec 2007

School Disputes Survivor China Contestant Denise Martin's Lost Job
Story 12/17/07

Last night on the season finale of Survivor: China contestant Denise
Martin related a story about losing her job as lunch lady and having
to accept another position as custodian. She said her notoriety had
become too much of a disruption in the school so she was not allowed
to keep her lunch lady position.

The shows producer Mark Burnett was moved by the story and bestowed
on her a $50,000 consolation prize to help her out.

Her employer Douglas County schools has issued a press release today
with the following statement:

Press Release: Mrs. Denise Martin

December 17, 2007

Douglas Public Schools

On the "Survivor China" television program that aired on December 16,
2007, Mrs. Denise Martin, an employee of the Douglas Public Schools,
stated that she was demoted from her position as a cafeteria worker
upon her return from taping the show. This statement is false.

In fact, Mrs. Martin held a full-time position as a custodian prior
to her participation in the series, and she returned to this same
position upon her return from China. Mrs. Martin was granted - at her
request - an unpaid leave of absence so that she could participate in
the "Survivor" program. We were pleased and excited to support
Denise, and have enthusiastically cheered her on throughout the
duration of the show.

Although Mrs. Martin was a cafeteria employee prior to her selection
as a contestant, she asked to be considered for a promotion to full-
time custodian, and was promoted to this position on March 30, 2007.
This promotion came with additional benefits and a higher salary.
Following her leave, she then returned to this same position.
Regretfully, the Douglas Public School District was inaccurately
portrayed as failing to be accommodating to an employee during what
the District viewed as a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity. This is
far from the case.

On the contrary, we granted all requests made by Mrs. Martin so that
she could participate in the "Survivor" series. Since Mrs. Martin was
on an approved leave, her position was held open for her, and she
returned to this same position upon her return from China. As a
District, we make every effort to support our employees, and will
continue to do so.

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